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【学术讲座】Capitalization of Transaction Taxes in Housing Markets: A Natural Experiment in Shanghai

创建时间:  2016/12/02  郁丽洁   浏览次数:   

演讲题目:Capitalization of Transaction Taxes in Housing Markets: A Natural Experiment in Shanghai
演讲人:张传勇 博士,华东师范大学城市发展研究院,讲师
时    间:12月7日(周三)14:30
地    点:东区经济学院520会议室
主    办:上海大学经济学院青联会
This paper builds a search model that links the bargain power and reduction of transaction tax in a partial equilibrium model. The model indicates that the tax reduction will reduce the transaction price, and to what extent the reduction benefit goes to the buyer or seller is determined by the bargain power. Then we investigate the capitalization of a 2% reduction in the transaction tax rate on "Normal Residential Properties" in Shanghai Metropolitan Area. With the universe of unique micro transaction data from 2011 to 2013, we find that after the tax reform, transaction prices of Normal Residential Properties decreased by 1.6% against those of Residential Properties not qualifying for NRP before and after this natural experiment. We document some heterogeneity of the effect across geographic areas and various floor areas and find that this effect is stronger in suburban areas with larger floor areas.
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