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【学术报告】GDP and beyond: how to measure the progress of society

创建时间:  2018/12/04  王晓磊   浏览次数:   

演讲题目:GDP and beyond: how to measure the progress of society
演讲人: Giorgio AllevaSapienza University of Rome教授)
Giorgio Alleva is Economist and statistician, from 2000 he is Full Professor of Statistics at the Faculty of Economics of Sapienza University of Rome.
Giorgio Alleva was President of the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat) since July 2014 to August 2018. Istat is a public research organization (2,300 employees) and the main producer of official statistics in the service of citizens and policy-makers. It operates in complete independence and continuous interaction with the academic and scientific communities. Before he had been member of the Governing Board of Istat and member of the National Steering Committee for Statistical data coordination (2007-2013).
Internationally, as President of Istat, he had been member of the European statistical system Committee, the High level group on Quality, the Working Party on statistics of EU Council. He represented Italy in the UN Statistical Commission.
During his mandate Istat signed agreements with National Statistical Offices of the People’s Republic of China and of the Repubblica Argentina, and it was involved in technical cooperation projects with many countries.
At the Sapienza University of Rome he had been Vice Rector for the ex-post evaluation (2013-2014), Director of the Department of Methods and models for economics, territory and finance (2005-2013), Director of the Interuniversity Centre for Information and communication technology in research and teaching (2002-2008), President of the Master in Management, innovation and internationalization of enterprises (2008-2011), Director of the Master in Cohesion and development policies and evaluation of public investments (2003-2006).
The lecture will be also an occasion to show data about the current interaction between Italy and China, in terms of international trade, foreign direct investment, tourism and education.
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