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【学术讲座】学术论文撰写与发表 Research Paper Writing and Publication

创建时间:  2022/05/23  费妮娅   浏览次数:   

上 海 大 学 经 济 学 院



Research Paper Writing and Publication


时 间2022525 下午18:00

腾讯会议号:364 405 530

主 办:上海大学经济学院



The talk will cover the process of writhing an appropriate paper which can be published at the international reputable journals. Specifically, how to package the story, how to review the literature and develop related hypotheses, and how to use empirical specifications to test predictions.

主讲人简介:宋崴博士,金融学副教授,博士生导师,为英国诺丁汉大学商学院金融学副教授,毕业于英国杜伦大学获金融学博士学位,本科毕业于上海大学。曾先后任教于英国杜伦大学、斯旺西大学和南安普顿大学。研究领域为实证性公司金融与公司治理。研究成果发表于多份顶尖金融学国际期刊,包括公司金融领域顶刊Journal of Corporate Finance (3篇) , Journal of Banking & Finance(3篇),Harvard Business Review, Journal of Empirical Finance等。曾获得2016年美国金融管理协会金融市场与机构最佳论文奖。

Dr Wei Song is an Associate Professor in Finance, Risk and Banking at Nottingham University. He received his PhD & MSc from Durham University, and BSc from Shanghai University. Prior to Nottingham, Dr Song was Associate Professor in Finance at University of Southampton, Lecturer in Finance at Swansea University. Wei's main research interests are in empirical corporate finance and corporate governance. He published numerous papers in prestigious international finance journals including Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking & Finance, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Empirical Finance etc. He is the recipient of the Best Paper Award in Financial Markets and Institution from the Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting 2016.


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