上 海 大 学 经 济 学 院 海外学者报告第121期,总第271期 演讲题目:一带一路背景下中亚发展中的水问题研究 演讲人:UlugbekKhasanov博士、教授(乌兹别克斯坦前总统高级顾问) 时间:2017年6月30日下午2点 地点:嘉定校区1教203 主办单位:上海大学经济学院 中国社会科学院-上海市人民政府 上海研究院 讲座简介: The threats of a new era in international relations have come to replacethe old threats and contradictions of the bipolar system. The unending war inAfghanistan is a grave matter as much to the security of Central Asiancountries as to India too. Following the weakening of Russian influence, new Central Asian statesare faced with the necessity of prioritizing between internalconsolidation, on the one hand, and regional economic and politicalintegration, on the other. These choices, although do not contradict eachother, they do not coincide yet either. No matter how things stand, thesituation prompts the need for these states to face the issue of nationalsecurity, which did not exist for them earlier.The focus of this paper isprimarily on various security issues, especially on water facing Central Asia as a region ingeneral. 报告人简介: 乌兹别克斯坦世界经济与外交大学教授,曾于2009-2012年担任乌兹别克斯坦前总统卡里莫夫的高级顾问和总统新闻秘书长。俄罗斯莫斯科大学博士,国际冲突研究中心主任,国际关系学部主席。乌兹别克斯坦著名的地区安全与经济政策事务专家,长期从事关于中亚地区安全、水源供给与分配、食品安全、社会发展和商务环境、政府税收政策和银行管制等方面的研究,现担任乌兹别克斯坦国际评论与研究杂志主编。 欢迎各位老师与研究生参与讨论! |
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