上 海 大 学 经 济 学 院 海外学者报告第120期,总第270期 演讲人:陈颖博士 (Eversping Capital, New York) 时间:2017年6月20日(周二)下午15:30--17:00 地点:校本部东区经管大楼520会议室 演讲题目:量化宽松 主办:上海大学经济学院 中国社会科学院-上海市人民政府 上海研究院 上海大学经济学院青联会 上海大学金融信息研究中心 Abstract: After 2008 financial crisis, the U.S. Federal Reserve launched a few rounds of quantitative easing to boost the stagnant economy. Other central banks of developed countries (UK, Japan and Eurozone) followed the U.S. Fed to launch their own programs of quantitative easing. The quantitative easing has increased central banks’ balance sheets significantly. We will review the timeline of quantitative easing in these countries and discuss its impact on their domestic and global economies. We also discuss the dilemma between unwinding and continuing QE faced by central banks, as both may have adverse consequences. Furthermore, the impact of QE on emerging market economies is examined and the corresponding monetary and fiscal policies employed by the emerging market countries are discussed. 演讲人简介: 陈颖博士,Eversping Capital(纽约)高级数量分析师(Senior Quantitative Analyst)。1998年毕业于清华大学工程学专业,获学士学位;2000年毕业于香港科技大学土木工程专业,获硕士学位;2005年毕业于斯坦福大学土木工程专业,获博士学位,期间辅修统计学硕士学位。先后担任摩根大通(JPMorgan)数量分析师、MEAG(纽约)数量分析师、QFRCapital(纽约)高级数量分析师等职。现任Eversping Capital(纽约)高级数量分析师。研究兴趣为应用经济与金融统计,已在Journal of Banking and Finance等期刊发表多篇论文。 欢迎各位老师与研究生参与讨论! |
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