上 海 大 学 经 济 学 院 海外学者报告第109期,总第241期 演讲题目:DEA(数据包络分析)介绍:一个生产率、效率、绩效评价工具 演 讲 人:Patricia Byrnes教授(美国伊利诺伊大学) 时 间:6月22日(周三)上午9:00-11:00 下午2:00-4:00 地 点:校本部东区经管大楼520会议室 主办单位:上海大学教务处 承办单位:上海大学经济学院 上海大学经济学院青联会 讲座简介: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)是估计决策单元绩效的数据分析工具,主要使用线性规划方法来确定一组观察对象中的有效前沿面。创建40年来,DEA模型已广泛运用于诸多领域,以及多种类型的生产率、效率、绩效评价等方面。本次讲座Byrnes教授将对DEA方法的具体应用进行介绍。上午将运用一些简单案例介绍线性规划方法以及DEA模型的主要应用,并分享多篇其发表的相关论文。下午将对DEA方法与其他研究方法进行比较,并结合样本数据演示操作软件,与大家共同探讨未来研究课题。 报告人简介: Patricia Byrnes, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Economics Department and Research Associate in the Center for State Policy and Leadership at University of Illinois Springfield. Dr. Byrnes was on the faculty of the School of Public Policy and Management at Ohio State University from 1990 to 1998 and has taught in the Public Administration and Economics departments at University of Illinois at Springfield. She has consulted with various state and local organizations on financial and performance management issues. Her research interests include industrial organization, economic development policy, and productivity and performance measurement. Her research has been published in Management Science, Review of Economics and Statistics, European Review of Agricultural Economics, European Journal of Operational Research, Productivity and Management Review. 欢迎各位老师与同学参与讨论! |
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